Solar crisis is imminent, soon to ravage our mother Earth. Global nations unite and built over 10,000 Earth Engines to drive our Planet out of the solar system, seeking a new homeland, with conceted efforts.

Thrilled to collab with The Wandering Earth II, famous sci-fi film adaptation of Liu Cixin's same-name novel, SHARGE is turning key movie props into robust charging devices, with great efforts.

A civilization without people is meaningless.

We infuse energy for a more meaningful civilization.

Banco de energía de 130W/40W

Hostil en Internet

Maestro [clave] poder para salvar la Tierra.
En tu escritorio.

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Batería magnética

Ascensor espacial

[On-the-go] potencia hasta el espacio.

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40W Gan Charger


¿Es un cargador?
¿O es la IA [maestra]?

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